During tough economic times many business owners are faced dealing with tough personal credit challenges. As a result they have to resort to applying for bad credit business loans just to keep their businesses afloat regardless of the interest rate being charged.
Hard money lenders have no problem charging outrageous fees and interest rates for taking on the risk but there are alternatives to bad credit business loans.
Here are my Top 5 Solutions to Bad Credit Business Loans
Factoring is a form of finance used to finance commercial, consumer, and government accounts receivable. Typically, businesses factor their accounts receivable to improve and accelerate their cash flow. Businesses that factor their invoices (accounts receivable) sell their invoices to a factoring company, usually for anywhere between 95 to 99 cents on the dollar.
An alternative to a traditional bad credit business loan, you can receive advance cash based off your future credit card sales (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Debit Cards). There are no personal guarantees or collateral attached to the business advance. This allows you to have the working capital you need within 3 business days or less. There are no restrictions on how to use the money allowing you to grow your business hassle free.
While liquidation usually means you’re closing your business forever this can be a viable strategy to raise capital without actually closing your business. You may have equipment that you no longer use or other assets that can be sold off that can generate substantial capital for your business.
It’s not a shame to have bad credit because everyone at one time goes through challenges but it is a shame to keep it. Start repairing your bad credit immediately by either fixing it yourself or enrolling in a solid, reputable, and legal credit repair service.
In addition to credit restoration another strategy for solving a bad credit challenge is in improving your debt to credit utilization. You accomplish this by establishing higher credit limits with lower balances typically below 30%. When you have larger credit limits on personal and business credit reports new lenders that you apply to will tend to extend even larger credit lines.
Bad credit business loans do exist but before you decide to commit be sure to consider these options. If you do choose to apply or you are already in a high interest rate loan because of bad credit be sure to start restoring your personal credit. Once you improve your credit you can apply for a loan and obtain a much better rate. This will allow you to pay off the high interest rate loan and saving you thousands in interest.
Remember – Improve your business, your life, your relationships, your finances and your health. When you do the whole world improves. ~ Mark Victor Hansen
Instead of jeopardizing your personal credit and assets every time your company requires financing, you can use the business’ credit rating to secure the financing you need with even more favorable terms and lower interest rates.
Start your business credit today!
To Your Success!
Marco Carbajo
About the Author
Marco Carbajo is a business credit specialist, author, speaker, and founder of the National Entrepreneur Club. Click here to visit his blog and signup free to get strategies, resources, and credit building tips with blog updates, news, and more! To start building business credit join his business credit community today and Click Here.
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