Dun and Bradstreet Number
Have you registered your business with Dun and Bradstreet?
Not sure whether your company needs to get a Duns Number?
Well, there are four reasons why you should:
1) A dun and bradstreet number is the most widely used identifying number for companies in the U.S.
2) When applying for a duns number you can self-report information about your business. This gives you the opportunity to ensure that your company is viewed in the best light when potential creditors review your DNB file.
3) It’s the number used to create a business credit profile that’s separate from your personal credit file.
4) You can establish a business credit score (Paydex Score) which gives your company the ability to establish its own creditworthiness.
So what exactly are Dun and Bradstreet Numbers?
It’s known as the Data Universal Numbering System and it consist of a nine-digit number that is unique to each company. More than 50 global, industry, and trade associations recommend and/or require that businesses have one.
Get a Duns Number
Here are three steps on how to get a Duns Number:
Step 1: Go to the DUNSFile website.
Step 2: Enter your company name, city, and state then click on the ‘Next’ tab to conduct a company search. This will first check to see if your company already has a listing. If so, then you will need to register with iUpdate so you can update your company profile and view your existing report.
Step 3: If your company is not listed then you have three options:
Option 1 – You can get a duns number within 30 business days at no charge by clicking on the ‘Get Started’ tab.
Option 2 – You can purchase the DUNSFile which will issue a DUNS Number for your business in less than 5 days. If you have trade references to add or you want to closely monitor your file then consider their CreditBuilder
Option 3 – If your business plans to bid for government contracts or grants you can obtain a duns number free within a matter of days. Completing CCR registration is mandatory for companies wishing to do business with the U.S. Federal Government.
Once you obtain your Dun and Bradstreet number the next step is getting registered with the DNB iUpdate system. This system allows you to update and view your company credit file as well as dispute any errors that you may uncover.
Remember, once you obtain your Duns Number the next step is establishing business credit by adding positive trade references to your file. Once your business has a minimum of three trade lines reporting Dun and Bradstreet will generate a Paydex Score.
This is the beginning stages of how you can establish a creditworthy company.
What other steps have you taken to start building credit for your business?
Ready to start building your Dun and Bradstreet credit file? Become a member of my Business Credit Insiders Circle and gain access to a proven step-by-step business credit building system. A system that provides you access to vendor lines of credit, fleet cards, business credit cards with and without a PG, funding sources and lenders that report to all the major business credit bureaus. Submit your name and email below for details and receive a free audio seminar ($597 value) =>
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About the author
Marco Carbajo is a business credit expert, author, speaker, and founder of the Business Credit Insiders Circle. He is a business credit blogger for Dun and Bradstreet Credibility Corp, the SBA.gov Community, About.com and All Business.com. His articles and blog; Business Credit Blogger.com, have been featured in ‘Fox Small Business’,’American Express Small Business’, ‘Business Week’, ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The New York Times’, ‘The San Francisco Tribune’,‘Alltop’, and ‘Entrepreneur Connect’.
Hi Kim,
Congratulations on taking the first step by getting your DUNs number. Make sure you set up your iUpdate and you may want to take a look at my post on the top 25 business credit building rules for small biz owners.
All the best,