Net 30 Business Credit Accounts
Don’t apply for net 30 accounts for your business until you read this post.
Now I know you can easily search on Google to find business credit accounts online; in particular net 30 accounts, but the reality is not all the results you see will truly help build up your business credit reports.
Let me be the first to say that the net 30 business accounts you obtain should be from vendors and suppliers that offer products and/or services that your business can actually use. It makes no sense to apply for credit with a vendor that has no products your company needs.
Just the other day a business owner told me that he didn’t have an extra $300 a month to spend on products to build his company’s credit. I told him that he was totally missing the point of building credit for his business. It’s not about going out and buying stuff you don’t need so you can establish trade-lines. Instead, it’s about getting credit that your company already uses or could use to build and grow.
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