Cash Back for Business Credit Cards
Are you looking for ways to raise cash for real estate investing?
When it comes to investing in real estate some of the common funding sources being used are home-equity lines of credit and private lenders, also known as hard money loans.
But did you know another way to get cash is through high limit business credit cards? As far as how to use your credit card, the best way is to take a cash advance against the card. Now using business credit cards will only get you so far in real estate investing because you have credit limits.
With business credit cards you most likely won’t be paying all cash for a $100,000 property. But let’s say you can cash advance $15,000 on one of your business credit cards. There is a quite a bit in real estate you can do with $15,000. You can buy a $50,000 rental property using a mortgage with 20% down. $10,000 for the down payment and $5,000 should cover closing costs. In this example you just bought a rental property using a business credit card.
But what about the fees involved when you take a cash advance against a business credit card?
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